Saturday, December 18, 2010

Christmas Gift Shopping 2010

So I have an odd obsession with buying gifts for other people. It honestly makes me so happy! So I always try to find the perfect gifts for my friends and family. I've posted pictures below of all the gifts I have bought so far.
Ralph Lauren Body Spray

 My older brother looks to me to buy him the more "fashionable" gift that he wouldn't usually think of. I have to admit he is addicted to Axe and I can't stand it any longer. (Plus the packaging of these bottles are far more appealing) They are both metal spray bottles that retail for $15 each. You can get them individually from sephora. There are a total of four different scents, and I would describe these scents to you, but honestly I'd just butcher it-I don't know how to explain smells! But the site says that #3 is a twist of ginger and mint for the "outdoorsy man", and #1 mixes lime and grapefruit for the "active man".

Philosophy Gingerbread Girl Body Wash

I'm obsessed with the glittery packaging!
I think this glittery body wash from Philosophy is absolutely precious! I got this for my friend Sarah (I already gave it to her and she loves it!) I can;t get over how adorable the packaging is, that in itself is enough reason to get this. It just makes the cutest little gift for Christmas. And what girl doesn't love smelling good?! The actual body wash smells amazing and the glitter in it definitely makes it more fun! This retails for just $16 and you can also get this from Sephora.

Philosophy Cheer Bubbly Body Wash
I got this body wash for my friend Abbey who is an insanely good cheerleader with the world's most bubbly personality-so I thought that this gift fit pretty well! Once again the packaging is really cute with the hint of sparkles, and that baby is adorable! The body wash smells very fresh and girl-y. This retails for $16 from Sephora.

Philosophy Peppermint Bark Body Wash and Lip Gloss Set

I got this set for my friend Elif-and it turns out it was something that she actually wanted! The body wash in this set is a bit smaller than the first two but that's because it comes with a full sized lip gloss. Both items are packaged in a nice little tin box. This set retails for $15 and can be purchased at Sephora.

Philosophy has so many cute sets for every occasion-especially Christmas! This is the perfect gift for any girl and a lot of the sets are very budget friendly.

Chanel #5 Perfume
Me and my brother bought this perfume for my mom. My mom actually never wears perfume, but hear me out here. Her mom who passed away used to always wear this perfume, and it reminds my mom of her mom. Every time were at the mall she always smells it and I can tell she loves it. So me and my brother decided to get this for her. So obviously the reason I got this as a gift is a personal one-but it still is a great gift! for the perfume lover, this is THE classic perfume! There is even a book out about it. Keep in mind though that it is very pricey. I got this small 1.7 ounce bottle for $80 from Sephora.

Eskimo Hat
So I'm calling this an eskimo hat because I know there is some name for it, but I have no idea what that is, and this reminds me of an eskimo. My dad has been very into "cool" hats lately, and as much as I dislike this hate, I know he will really love it. Sometimes we have to put our own judgment aside for others, right? I got this for $20 at a little kiosk in my local mall.

Ghirardelli Chocolate Milk and Peanut Butter Squares and Itunes Gift Card
I got this little "set" for my older brother. He is very into electronics, and I don't know much about that so I figured whats better than an Itunes gift card? Then he is free to get what he wants-he has an Ipad, so this is very useful to him. and I just got a little thing of chocolates to make the gift seem bigger, and who doesn't love chocolate anyways? You can get an Itunes gift card at any apple store, or electronic store, or drugstore...or almost anywhere! and the same goes for the chocolate.

Cirque Du Solei Ornaments
So I'm not exactly sure where I got these from. My mom had them and I thought they were cool, so now I'm giving them to two of my teachers. Giving an ornament is a really simple but nice gift to give! They are easy to customize as well. For example, I used to be an Irish dancer so I have a few irsh dancer ornaments. If someone likes basbeall you can find a baseball bat ornament, you probalby get the point. When I was in the 6th grade, (5 years ago) I gave one of my teachers an ornament, and to this day whenever I see her she still tells me that she has that ornament and always thinks of me. Ornaments can also be very budget friendly.

Burt's Bees Mini Set
 Every year I have a holiday party and this year we did a gift exhange. Every one had to bring a gift that was worth $15, and this was mine. I picked this up from CVS for exactly $15, and I really think its a great gift for anyone! Since it has so many different products in it, the person who gets the gift is sure to like atleast someting in it! This is a great gift to buy for someone you don't know very well or are stumped on what to buy.

Dove Chocolate
I got these three different Dove chocolate sets from CVS. I think they were around $3 each. I'm giving these to three of my teachers at school. They are a simple gift but chocolates really do make people's day!

Coach Wrislet

Since I am the president of my schools fashion club I decided it would be a good idea to get my club advisor a gift. So I collected money from each member of the club and we got her this. I figured I would still include it, even though I wasnt the only one who payed for it, because it really is a good gift! I got this for $48 and its the perfect size to use to store cash, and credit cards, and a cell phone, and some lip gloss. You can either toss this is your purse or take it out as your little night bag!

This gift is also for my fashion club advisor, but this one is a personal gift from me. Our club was cut this year, but she decided to be our new volunteer advisor, so I wouldn't be able to do what I love without her, so of course I had to get her a little thank you gift! I got this scarf for $10 at a little kiosk in my mall, and it so soft and i am obsessed with the pattern! Scarves are also really great gifts for woman of all ages.

Bath and Body Works Holiday Hand Sanitizers

As you can see from the photos above I got a TON of hand sanitizers from bath and body works! Now I also did not pay for these myself, but figured I'd include them since they are a great gift. I got these with some funds from fashion club and I put them in the goody bags that I am handing out tommorow night at my fashion club holiday party. These are $1 each! 5 for $5 at bath and body works! It is an amazing deal! and I had a $10 off coupon so I only ended up spending about $20 on them. These are great stocking stuffers and great small gifts!

Little Glittery Christmas Cards I got!

All the gifts wrapped under the mini tree in my room


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